Is religion a force for good?

Aahan Sinha

What do the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Ayatollah Khomeini and Nathuram Godse have in common? Their actions, their lives and their legacies have all been driven by one of the 5 major world religions. But there is a stark contrast in their ideals, the things they have done and the things they are known for. So that begets the question – is religion a force for good or bad?

A religion can most certainly be a force for good, and there can be many positive impacts of having a religion in one’s life. For one, all religions teach good values. These values are either passed on from generations (an example could be Hinduism, where these morals and values are passed on through stories, songs and art pieces) or can be written in books and scriptures (an example of this could be The Bible in Christianity and Judaism,  or the Quran in Islam). Regardless of religion, these values are always teaching good deeds, and, while the context in which these values are followed may vary, the encouragement to do good is universal. For example, in the Quran, it is instructed that all financially secure Muslims must pay a certain amount to charity, and Christianity encourages forgiveness and peace in the Bible. This is a force for good because religion can be used to instil values in many generations to come which can ensure peace in the future. Another thing which religion can give to people is hope. In crisis, a lot of religious people will tell you to pray to God and He will handle everything. Even though it may not be true, or may not do much, that feeling of praying to God gives people hope in crisis. Hope then encourages them to stay positive and not give up. Even though it is temporary, religion can be a force for good by giving people a candle of hope to hold in the darkest times. A shred of positivity to cling on to in the deep gorge of negativity. Furthermore, religion can create communities. In many parts of the world, local places of worship form communities which have very close bonds. A common belief system can bring people together and form new relationships that can be have a positive impact on one’s life. For example, in a local church, everyone who goes to that local church will know each other, and whether or not they connect as neighbours, they connect as believers, and this unity and community can make the world a safer, more peaceful place.

But peace can also be disrupted by religion. In places where multiple religions coexist, it can be a source of conflict where people can fight over their different beliefs. An example could be Kashmir in India, where the tensions between Hindus and Muslims since the 1940s has only grown rockier over time. Why, you may ask? One reason could be fight over resources and money for religious events, another thing which religion can impact negatively. Making and/or maintaining places of worship, hosting large events and gatherings, and (in some cases) making extravagant structures to celebrate religious events can become quite the money issue, especially considering these festivals happen more than once every year. An example could be India, where large figures of deities are made and worshipped for a day or more, before being dumped in the river. Due to religious customs, they do not recycle these deities every year and so new ones are made every time, which is an incredibly wasteful practice. Sometimes, the local governments can interfere and provide money, but there are also consequences for politics to interfere in religion. Politicians can use religion as a base to appeal to certain people, but it can also be a tool to supress religious minorities and stay in power indefinitely. There have been many leaders, such as Ayatollah Khomeini,  who used religion to stay in power and overthrow democracy. He also used religion to discriminate, which is another drawback of religion. In many religions, there is an unfair divide and the rules and customs can be prejudiced against a certain group of people. Often those who benefit from religious laws in any way will use it as an excuse to further discriminate against those who are not seen fairly in the eyes of the religion. An example could be women, who have had a disadvantage from the start due to many religions encouraging and helping to create a patriarchal society, such as Islam. Conservative Muslims believe that women should always wear something to cover their face, do not have the right to choose their romantic partner, many are disowned or considered pariahs if they exercise their right to an independent life- all because a holy man said that women should not lead their own lives, but have their husbands lead it for them.

In conclusion, a religion can teach many good values, give hope to people and bring people together, but it can also tear them apart, incite violence and conflict, discriminate certain people and can be used to suppress democracy. Religion is like a steak knife, you can use it to make food that extends someone’s life, or you can use it to take it away.

How Photoshop is Essential in Today’s World

25th August 2018

In today’s world, social media apps such as Instagram and Facebook have become almost a necessity for popularity. Everything you post is visible to the whole world on Facebook and Instagram. It is for that reason that whenever you want to capture a picture of something in your life, you make sure it looks pretty, rare and beautiful. If there was an app that can let you create the perfect moment instead of searching the world to capture one, it could make you the star of both Instagram and Facebook. And Photoshop is just the right app. Here are 4 reasons why Photoshop is essential in today’s world.


1-   Rumors & Conspiracy


‘Embracing the apocalypse’ is a term that is used to express times when people do not understand when something terrible is going on, and instead of solving it, they cover it up. Many conspirasists support their theories with actual video and photo footages, but, since the conspiracy is mostly false, they cannot find the right footage. With Photoshop, however, they can film the exact scene, and add whatever they want in it, like a ghost or other undead phantasm, an alien or even a sea monster. Scaring the world might not be a good thing, but for a conspirasist, the perfect evidence.


2-   Modelling


Have you seen those beautiful people in magazines that wear an attractive dress that looks really good? What if I told you they might not be as pretty as they look inside the magazine? Well, it’s true! Many magazines take the model’s picture wearing the dress, and then add filters, colour enhancements, even better photo quality. They do this so that when they advertise their brand, they make the model look beautiful, and you will feel as if the dress is beautiful, even if it is just like 100 different dresses. Think about that the next time you shop at Gap!


3-   Hollywood


Have you ever wondered from where Hollywood got Godzilla or King Kong? Have you ever wondered how the cars went through buildings and fire, and the actor was still alive? Have you ever wondered how movies can be shot in Mars? Well, the answer’s all there in your own computer! Film directors take the first part of their film in front of a green screen and a giant clay model of Godzilla or King Kong for reference. They then open Photoshop and immediately add all of the components, like the background of Mars, the CGI that brings you Godzilla and King Kong and the fire in the car, which is edited in the foreground. That means, with about $100, you can create your own Action Film!


4-   Art


Have you ever seen people make paintings so lifelike, it almost looks like a photograph? Have you ever tried to make one, but ended up making your portrait look like a pig? Well, with Photoshop you don’t need to spend $20 on a Udemy course on art! After Photoshop CS5, the app allows you to take a photo, and then edit the borders and the shading to give you an excellent work of art. You can even take a selfie, and Photoshop it to look like a portrait. It might not look like a photograph, but that’s the point of modern art!


How to Love a Dog

Hello, dear reader.

A few days ago was the fourth birthday of my blog, and so I wanted to do something special. If you are new to my blog then I would recommend you to scroll down and see a poem I wrote few years ago in memory of my beautiful and sweet dog Ginger. It is unfortunate that Ginger cannot stay with me because of us having a small house, but she stays with my uncle and we visit her once or twice a month.

Every time Ginger is there with me I take the responsibility of doing a number of tiring and rather painful tasks in order to keep my darling Ginger healthy and happy.


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If you, dear reader, have a dog just like me, it is important to know how to love a dog, before you take care of one. In this post I will be talking about how to love a dog.

First and foremost, you need to know that a dog is, unlike many other pets, is like a baby. It needs constant attention, but it also needs constant love from its owner. It is very easy to find a caretaker to take care of the dog, but if the dog doesn’t receive love from its owner the bond between the owner and the dog fades away, and the bond between the dog and the caretaker strengthens, which can cause a problem when the caretaker leaves. To avoid that, try to give as much love and attention to your dog by doing it’s work on your own.

Another thing that you need to keep in mind is, that a dog comes in many different breeds, and each breed is meant for a different environment. The Mudhol Hound, for example, has short fur and is meant for the hot weather in India. A Siberian Husky, on the other hand, is very hairy and needs to be in a very cold environment, like Siberia. A few months ago, my neighbour went on a party, and she left her Siberian Husky tied in the balcony. That dog was barking continuously. It was also crying, because a Husky cannot stand the scorching heat in India, and it must have felt miserable, being exposed to all the heat, when it meant for surviving the snow. This incident opened my eyes to the fact that every dog has its own weaknesses, and an owner needs to accept those conditions and adopt accordingly.

The thing is, while dogs are a huge responsibility, they are considered one of the most friendly and loyal pets amongst all other animals. That is where the phrase “dogs are man’s best friend” comes from!

A letter to my 20 year old self

Dear 20 year old me,

Hello! How is life in the future! Has PS7 released? I hope you have got a good education. What job are you doing? I hope you are enjoying it. Are you a painter, because I want to be one and I hope you are one now. Do you have a dog? What is his name? I hope its Max, because I love that name. Does Maggi exist anymore? I hope it does, because I love it and I’m sure you still do. What are your favourite movies? Has Star Wars 27 released? I love that movie series. Where do you live? I hope you live in a good place.

I’m sure you are having a good time and you are just like me- handsome, smart and adorable.

With love,

10 year old you.

Delhi – my home

Capital of India,
City of cities,
As new as New York,
As old as Rome.

From Jama Masjid to St. James Church,
From Bangla Sahib to Akshardham,
We pray to all religions,
God, Allah and Bhagwan.

From Tughlaks to Lodhis
From Mughals to Britishers
They all called it home
And decorated it with monuments

From Ghalib to Gandhi
From Nehru to Shastri
They all enriched Delhi
And I will do so too.

My Story 2- Creepy Noodles

One day a man was walking in the street at night. He was very tired after working in the office. He soon passed a noodle shop. There was no one at the counter, but there was a bowl of noodles kept at the counter. He was so tired he could not resist the temptation of eating the noodles. He looked around and ate the noodles. Then he went back home. But little did he know the noodles he ate used to create trouble for whoever ate it.

The next the man went back to work. There he found out that his boss fired him from the job because he was accused of theft. Now not only he was jobless, he was also a wanted man. But this was just the beginning…

When he went home his wife threw him out of the house. His child was also very angry with him. The man got to know the truth of all the bad things. He wanted to puke out the noodles. But he was still a wanted man and could not go anywhere. One ordinary day he laughed so much the noodles came out of his nose! Then the real thief was caught, his boss made him the new boss, his wife and kid liked him again. And he never dared to eat anything like that ever again.


My Story: The chariot with eight horses

Long ago, in ancient China, there lived a boy called Zen. He lived in the rich city of Khanbaliq, which is now Beijing. His parents both worked in the royal palace, his dad a chef and his mom a maid. But Kublis Khan, a savage warlord, had captured China and he was a very cruel man. One day,  when Kublis was alone in his room, he heard a voice.

It was the Time God. He said “one day, a boy will come. And on his golden chariot of eight horses, he will free China from your terrible rule…”

Kublis was furious and decided to eliminate all the boys in China. Soon they were dragged out of their houses and slaughtered.

Zen was scared and fled from his house to the forest. He ran for an hour, and soon passed a cave. He decided to take shelter in the cave.

The next day he set out for a village near by, and after an hour he reached the village. He knew it like the back of his hand because his uncle lived there.
But he soon discovered his uncle had died of a heart attack. In his uncle’s house, he found a wooden chariot and eight horses, starved and stick thin. Since Zen was so kind, he fed the horses wheat.

Suddenly, the Time God appeared. He said “Zen, you are the chosen one. God has given you a task. You have to kill Kublis Khan.” Suddenly, the old wooden chariot turned into a golden chariot. All the eight horses stood up with full energy. The Time God gave Zen a sword, a shield and an armour. Zen climbed on the chariot and set out to kill Kublis.

Zen challenged Kublis to a war. There was fierce fighting between the two. Finally, Kublis was killed and Zen was made the new emperor of China.

And everyone in China lived happily ever after.

Student council election

COn 26 August 2016, I was nominated for the post of the Tech captain, along with Tanvi Sood. When I was nominated , I felt excited. We had to prepare a speech and then everyone from Grades 3, 4 and 5 had to vote.

When I found out I got more votes than Tanvi, I became so happy that I started crying. Now I have a big responsibility on my shoulders. I will have to show everyone I am a good leader.

Thanks to my dear friends Carol Mendiratta, Anna Kumar and Eito Ogawa for their support. I am looking forward to a great journey ahead with the Student Council!


My first cast

My First Cast


I really want to share this incident with you readers because it has happened to me for the first time.

During my recent vacation to Coorg, I slipped and injured my foot. On the first day, it healed a little but the next day I got a big swelling. It was a BIG challenge for me to travel back to Delhi since it was so painful and I wasn’t able to walk.

It was late by the time we came back so my mother fixed an appointment with the doctor for the next day. At the doctor’s clinic, they did an X-ray. They said it isn’t a fracture. It is just a ligament injury. They put a crepe bandage and they said it should heal in 2 to 3 days.

I wasn’t able to walk so my mom rented a wheelchair. Then I started going to school on the wheelchair. I also used the lift in school, which normally only the teachers are allowed to.

Even after 2 days, my ankle still did not heal so my mom took me to the same doctor again. This time, he put a cast on my leg.

I still have the cast and I have started to walk a little bit. Thanks to my dear friends and their support – especially Ayush Vohra and Arav Kapoor who moved me around in the wheelchair, Mihir who got my food and Ayush Kaushik who entertained me.

I feel I am managing this situation very courageously. I continue to go to school everyday inspite of pain. I hope this cast comes off quickly so that I can run and play and also scratch my leg properly!